new month, new me (...and I finally did it!)

Happy September everyone! Since my last (somewhat depressing) post about savoring summer, I've had some serious sit-down talks with myself about how to look at the season change in a more positive light. And as it turns out, a little introspection was all I needed to spark some motion into my life and do the thing I've been "thinking about" doing for the past three years.


A little backstory: I've been working at Fancy ( since a week after I graduated college, four years ago. I love my job and truly feel honored to have worked through the growth of such a cool company. When I came in the doors here as a fresh-into-the-real-world-21-year-old, I could never have imagined that my office manager position would turn into me leading business operations with my soon-to-be husband by my side. I am so excited for the future of this company and can't wait to see what's next.

Although I love my career, nutrition and holistic health are what I have been passionate about since the start of my health journey in college (read more about that here). I've become known amongst my friends, family and colleagues as the go-to person for health advice, meal plans, and nutritious snack recommendations. Becoming a holistic health coach was always something I knew I would do, but continuously put it off. "It's too much money," "I don't have the time," "I'm not sure if this is actually going to help me further my career," "Is this the right program to do?" and a thousand more thoughts and questions have ran through my head the past few years. And then last weekend while I was sitting in a quiet, sunny park in the Hamptons, something just clicked. I knew it was time to go for it.

So on Monday afternoon, I called the office of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and signed up on the spot to begin class next Monday. I could not contain my excitement - I immediately called my parents (I didn't even tell them I was doing this before doing it which is very unusual for me), my soon-to-be mother-in-law (who is also in the wellness field and has been encouraging me to take the leap), my brother, my best friends and my fellow wellness blogger friends. Everyone was so supportive and happy for me, and that meant the world! Although I am very busy at my full-time job and am in the midst of planning a wedding (which is essentially another full-time job), I am ecstatic to be a student again and fill my brain with all of the juicy knowledge I've been craving. 


I started pretty & spiced as a platform to help people become the best versions of themselves, inside and out. Becoming certified in holistic health coaching will allow me to do that but on a much deeper level. I am so grateful to have this opportunity and cannot wait to start working with clients, which thankfully I can do in six months. There are lots of different directions I am thinking about taking my holistic health coaching, but for now I will focus on starting school next week :) I'll be sure to share some of the impactful learnings throughout the year on my Instagram and blog for you to follow along. And if you are interested in learning more about health coaching or working with me, please reach out - I already have a few people on my waitlist for the moment I get the go-ahead to start. Nothing excites me more than getting to know each of you and guiding you to your greatest self!


I started the beginning of this month with a dreadful feeling about fall coming, and I've managed to completely turn that around. I have a giddy back-to-school feeling and feel at ease with the timing and my decision to take the jump and sign up. I can't wait to continue on my wellness journey, and am beyond grateful for all of you and your support.

So... what have you been thinking about doing and have been putting off? I hope this post inspires you to jump and do it, even if you are afraid. I'll be right by your side, cheering you on.
